
Our Accessible Playground SS9-3004 has 3 long ramps and wide platforms to accommodate wheelchairs. We have included interactive panels on the lower and higher levels and many low elements for younger children such as the Counter Panel, Squeeze Panel, Clock Panel and the Compass and Maze Panel on the higher level.

The playground is easily accessible for toddlers, new walkers and kids in wheelchairs who have new play elements on each level. The Access Panels allow for safe travel of little ones and wheelchairs across the entrances and we?ve included a double slide (for racing!), a Fire Pole and Steppers to the higher level and a Step-Up Pole. We have also included playground favourites like Monkey Bars and Arched Roman Rings.

Age Range: Inclusive and Accessible
Max Fall Height: 1900mm
Minimum Fall Zone: 93.9m2
Equipment Size: 10920mm x 7340mm

All of our playground structures can be customised by changing the colours or adding components, freestanding items or fitness equipment to meet your play space size or budget.

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