CJ Melrose Reserve, Brookfield

Welcome to CJ Melrose Reserve in Melton City Council, where the newest addition to our playground is sure to take your imagination soaring to new heights! Picture yourself as a pilot, ready to take off into the wild blue yonder with our brand new essentials play structure in an aeroplane theme.

As you approach, you’ll notice the sleek silver uprights that support the high platforms and airplane layout. You can climb up the ropes, scale the ladders or cross the Congo net to reach the cockpit at the top. Once you’re there, you can take the helm and feel the rush of adventure as you zoom down the two exhilarating slides!

The fun doesn’t stop there, because right next to the play structure, you’ll find a double swing with a toddler and strap seat where you can pump your legs and reach for the sky with your friends. And for those little ones who prefer a more gentle flight, we’ve also installed a plane rocker that lets them sway back and forth at their own pace.

The colour scheme is bright and bold, with lime green accents that contrast against the deep blue plastics. It’s a visual feast that’s sure to captivate your senses and spark your imagination.

Playing on this Airplane-themed structure not only provides a fun and entertaining experience for children, but it also offers numerous benefits for their physical and cognitive development. Climbing, balancing, and swinging on the playground can help improve balance, coordination, and gross motor skills, while imaginative play can boost creativity, problem-solving, and social skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Come to CJ Melrose Reserve and let your imagination take flight as you explore our exciting new play structure. With endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered, the sky’s the limit!

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CJ Melrose Reserve, Brookfield

Melton City Council

  • The structure includes high platforms with an aeroplane layout, 2 slides, congo net, and multiple access options
  • There is an aeroplane bow at the front, a double swing, and a plane rocker nearby
  • The color scheme is silver uprights, lime green accents, and blue plastics
  • Playing on the playground can improve balance, coordination, gross motor skills, creativity, problem-solving, and social skills
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