Heritage College, Officer

Heritage College, Office in Cardinia City Council has received an exciting playground upgrade featuring one of our orbit units, perfect for older kids. The unit includes a range of fun features such as a slide, rope climber slide access, roman triangles, jungle gym, tight rope, hoop challenge, sway bars, and a reverse helix climber. The playground itself is brightly colored in a lime green and purple theme, with mulch softfall providing a safe landing for children’s playtime.

Playing on this playground offers a variety of benefits for children, including physical activity, improving coordination and balance, developing social skills, and enhancing problem-solving abilities. Kids can let their imaginations run wild as they navigate the various challenges and obstacles of the playground, boosting their creativity and confidence. Overall, the playground is sure to provide endless hours of fun and entertainment for children of all ages.

In addition to the physical and social benefits, playtime on the new playground at Heritage College can also have a positive impact on children’s mental health. Engaging in play has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and can provide an outlet for children to express their emotions and feelings in a safe and supportive environment. With the colorful and exciting design of the orbit unit, children can enjoy a playful escape from the pressures of daily life and simply enjoy being kids. The playground upgrade is sure to be a hit with students and provide a valuable space for them to grow, learn, and have fun.

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Heritage College, Officer

  • Heritage College in Officer received a playground upgrade featuring a colorful orbit unit designed for older kids.
  • The unit includes a slide, rope climber slide access, roman triangles, jungle gym, tight rope, hoop challenge, sway bars, and a reverse helix climber on mulch softfall.
  • Playing on the playground provides physical activity, improves coordination, balance, social skills, problem-solving abilities, and mental health.
  • The playground offers children a safe and supportive environment to express their emotions and feelings while reducing stress and anxiety.
  • The exciting design of the orbit unit allows for imaginative and creative play that fosters confidence and enjoyment for kids of all ages.
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