St Joseph’s Primary School, Orbost

St Josephs Primary School, Orbost located in East Gippsland Shire has added some exciting new equipment to their playground, perfect for keeping children active and engaged. The first addition is a fantastic climbing cube, which features pomells, rockwall and plenty of ropes to climb on. This is sure to provide hours of entertainment and physical activity for kids of all ages and abilities.

In addition to the climbing cube, the school also added a super cool orbit dome, which is a unique and challenging piece of equipment. Kids will love climbing the ropes and navigating the arched rockwall, which not only provides a fun physical challenge but also helps to develop balance, coordination and strength.

Play is essential for children’s physical, social and emotional development, and the new additions to St Josephs Primary School’s playground offer a range of benefits. Climbing is great for building upper body strength, balance and coordination, while navigating the orbit dome helps to improve problem-solving skills and cognitive development. Engaging in active play also helps to boost children’s mental health and wellbeing, providing a fun and enjoyable outlet for them to release energy and express themselves. Overall, the new equipment at St Josephs Primary School is sure to provide a fun and engaging space for children to play and learn.

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St Joseph’s Primary School, Orbost

  • St Joseph’s Primary School in Orbost added new additions to their playground.
  • The first addition is a climbing cube with pommels, rockwall, and ropes for climbing.
  • The second addition is an orbit dome with lots of rope climbing and an arched rockwall.
  • These additions enhance the play experience for the students and promote physical activity, socialization, and problem-solving skills.
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