Tavare Park, Harrietville

The Alpine Shire Council had a unique request for a park that would be perfect for older kids. Our team was more than happy to oblige, and the result is the incredible orbit unit that kids absolutely love!

This orbit structure is packed with play value and offers endless opportunities for kids to have fun and explore. The dark green design with stainless steel posts makes it a striking addition to the park. Kids can climb on rope climbing walls, tight ropes, steppers, sway bars, roman triangles, and more, all while playing on the mulch softfall.

Working with the Alpine Shire Council was a great experience. They were very supportive and enthusiastic about creating a fun and unique play area that the community would love. We were thrilled to be able to deliver a play unit that exceeded their expectations and provides so many benefits to kids.

Physical activity is essential for healthy development, and this orbit unit offers a great opportunity for kids to get active and improve their strength, coordination, and balance. It also encourages socializing and imaginative play, which are important for children’s social and emotional development.

Overall, the orbit unit in the Alpine Shire Council park is a fantastic addition to the community’s outdoor recreation options. It’s crazy fun, thanks to the council’s vision and support, and provides a safe and exciting place for kids to play and explore.

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Tavare Park, Harrietville

  • The Alpine Shire Council wanted a unique play area for older kids, and the orbit unit was the perfect solution.
  • The unit is designed in dark green with stainless steel posts and features rope climbing walls, tight ropes, steppers, sway bars, roman triangles, and more.
  • The unit is located on mulch softfall and offers endless opportunities for kids to have fun and explore.
  • The Alpine Shire Council was great to work with and supportive in creating a fun and unique play area.
  • The orbit unit offers important benefits of play, including physical activity, improving strength, coordination, and balance, as well as encouraging socializing and imaginative play.
  • The orbit unit in the Alpine Shire Council park is a fantastic addition to the community’s outdoor recreation options and provides a safe and exciting place for kids to play and explore.
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